July 2, 2010

THE worst movie ever!

Today we (me, mom and dad ) saw The Last Airbender movie. It was THE worst movie ever. It was so bad we made some jokes:

We decided how to fix the Gulf oil spill: play the movie! It sucked so badly it will suck all the oil out. (insert rim shot here)

We decided how to fix snake bites: put the DVD of this movie on the bite! It will suck all the venom out! (insert another rim shot)

The sum of the movie: whine, whine, emo, emo, I am the last airbender, no fun, no fun.

Oh, and by the way, IT IS PRONOUNCED AANG!!!!!, not Ahng.

It is Sokka, not Sewka.

And for the LAST TIME, IT IS AVATAR NOT aHVATAR. (And yes, I did purposely make the A tiny!)

remember the good old days

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